Book Review: The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz


The Rose and the Thistle - Laura Frantz - 5 Stars - LOVED this book! The setting. Characters. Romance. LOVE!

When I first read the synopsis of The Rose & The Thistle by Laura Frantz, I KNEW this book was going to be a new favorite of mine. I love stories set in Scotland, particularly during the 1700s and the added details surrounding the Jacobite Uprising, the Scottish Highlands/Lowlands, the Stuarts, the Scottish dialogue – were perfection! This was my first Laura Frantz read and it will NOT be my last! 5 big stars for such a stunning Christian historical fiction with a sweet, clean romance between a “Sassenach” Englishwoman and a hunk of a Scotsman!

Set in 1715, Lady Blythe Hedley, who is the daughter of a Jacobite sympathizer and enemy of the British crown, finds herself forced to flee her home in Northern England to the tower of Wedderburn Castle in Scotland. She is sent there for her protection when she meets the Scottish Laird, Lord Everard Wedderburn. Everard has recently assumed his position as Laird of Wedderburn Castle and proceeds to honor his father’s last wish to offer Lady Blythe protection since she was his father’s goddaughter. There is so much political turmoil going on during this time between Scotland and England so keeping her safe is going to be a task for Everard. The story takes off from here as we learn all about their families, history and how they get to know one another.

As I said, this book was right up my alley. I am a big Outlander fan, so I am already familiar with so much surrounding this time period in Scotland, the Jacobite rebellion, the Stuarts, Culloden War, and the Scottish dialogue. Laura Frantz truly transports you right in the middle of this phenomenal historical setting in Scotland and you truly root for the characters in each situation. The romance is a slow burn that made my heart SO happy at the end. I love a Scotsman in a book and this book did NOT disappoint! I also loved the faith messages interweaved throughout the story.

For those that struggle with Historical settings at times, I think this would still be a good book for you because I was not bored in any way. I feel like she truly brought to life the history of Scotland during this time with our characters.

Overall, my Scottish loving heart was SO happy to have read this and I hope many of you will pick this one up! I can’t wait to read more of Laura’s books this year! Thank you to Baker Publishing, Revell and NetGalley for a copy of this book to honestly read and review.


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