Book Review: Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb


Assassin's Apprentice - Robin Hobb - 4.5 Stars - What a great foundational fantasty story to start this long series! 

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As someone who doesn't read a ton of fantasy and continues to dip her toes in different types of fantasy reads, this book was a great foundational fantasy story to our world, characters and journey for our main character, Fitz. Told in first person, we follow a young boy, Fitz, at 6 years old through what I believe was 13 or 14 years old in this first book as he learns about his father/relations, is taken into an apprenceship to train and must embrace his new life on the road to beocming a royal assassin. He's learning about weaponry, scribing, courtly manners, how to kill, nobility etc. His life is tough throughout the story and you keep wondering is life going to get any better for poor ol' Fitz?! You grow to love him so much and continuosly root for him. We have a lot of political intrigue throughout the story too. The magic system in this is very interesting! I enjoyed learning about the telepathic magic / wit magic skills and look forward to seeing more of that evolve in other books. Also liked seeing Fitz and the Fool together. The Fool is such an interesting character to me!

Overall, really enjoyed this start to Fitz's journey and can't wait to continue on. Hobb knows how to get you SO INVESTED in her characters and you are LITERALLY going on this journey with them and feeling everything they are feeling. THE ENDING HAD ME IN TEARS AND I MUST CONTINUE ON SOOOOON!


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