Book Review: Daughter of Eden: Eve's Story by Jill Eileen Smith


Daughter of Eden - Eve's Story - Jill Eileen Smith - 4 Stars - What a great story that shows us what it could have been like during the times of Adam and Eve.

Daughter of Eden: Eve’s Story by Jill Eileen Smith shows us what it could have possibly been like during the time of Adam and Eve, all surrounding the time during the book of Genesis in the Bible. This was my first book by her and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this story.

It is a biblical fiction featuring real bible “characters”, primarily Adam, Eve, their children (mostly Cain and Abel). We also have chapters from Lucifer and how he fell and became the devil – the deceptive, cunning serpent. It follows many year, encompassing most of Adam and Eve’s life.

This book is a fictionalized work of what it could have been like during the time of Adam and Eve at the creation of the world. It was really interesting to see how they may have spoke to one another, dialogue together, with God and with their children. It was also interesting to see how they may have ate, figured out how to be “the first” parents of the world etc. I feel like the author did a great job creating a story for us, while interweaving God’s truths and scripture throughout the story.

Seeing how Eve may have reacted or handled her sin when she made the mistake of eating the fruit and being deceived by the serpent was probably the most interesting for me. I had some mixed feelings on some of how Adam and Eve would have interacted together, but overall enjoyed the story and portrayal. It was emotional to read the depiction of the fall of humanity – I feel like Jill did a wonderful job with that description.

The best part about this story is it made me go back to Genesis and read my bible to see God’s word and compare it to this fictionalized work. Very thought provoking as many other reviewers have stated. To see how Adam and Eve could have possibly grieved what Cain did to Abel was also very eye opening.

Overall, the author did a great job portraying what it could have been like during this time and many parts touched my heart and sprit. The ending was beautiful and made me a bit emotional as a woman because she so beautifully portrayed how we are not perfect, but God still loves us. Thank you to Baker Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy to honestly read and review.

Goodreads Review:
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