Book Review: The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams


The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adams - 4 Stars - A cute, funny friends to lovers sports romance!

What a cute, funny friends to lovers story! I was cracking up the whole time! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this! Sarah Adams writes such fun rom coms with engaging characters! The sports aspect was also really fun.

This is all about Bree Camden, who is in love with her best friend and NFL star, Nathan Donelson. Each one loves each other but doesn't think the other likes them back LOL - SO GOOD. They keep hiding their feelings and getting into very funny situations. Bree has her own dance studio and wants to expand it but the rent has increased....buttttt Nathan comes in and buys the entire building - HA We love to see it!! Bree isn't very thrilled about that but one night they're out and she has a few too many drinks, spills her secret love for Nathan to a TMZ reporter and her video goes viral! EVERYONE wants Nathan and Bree together so Nathan's publicist says they should pretend to be in love for 3 weeks - AHH WE LOVE A GOOD FAKE DATING TROPE LOL Story goes on from there as they start to realize their true feelings for one another.

I had the BEST time with this book, made me laugh SO many times and I just really appreciate this author writing a clean closed door story for those of us who do not want to read smut. Especially since her books are very popular in the big bookstores - SO awesome to see that!

The whole idea of the "cheat sheet" inside this story was so fun too.

Content—closed door secular romance, mention of panic attacks, some drinking, mild language

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