Book Review: Dark of Night by Colleen Coble


Dark of Night - Colleen Coble - 4.5 to 5 Stars - What a great second book in this series! SO action packed! (Book 2 in the Annie Pederson Series)

WOW I didn't think I would love this as much as I did but what a great second book in this series! 4.5 to 5 stars. I loved this better than book 1! In book 2, we follow the family drama that occurred in book 1 (not going to say, because spoilers) but Annie is trying to figure out what to do about the newly found information from book 1 and how to tell those who need to know. A big part of this story though was a woman named Michelle Fraser is abducted and they are needing to figure out who took her so Jon and Annie are working to piece together that puzzle as well.

I just loved this so much, I had the same feeling I did as when I read the If I Run trilogy by Terri Blackstock. So fast paced and SO much happening! My favorite part of this story is our characters, Annie and Jon and the relationship with Annie's daughter. There was a bit more faith sentences I LOVED at the end of this, but still has more of a light faith element. Either way, still loved those parts of the story at the end. Make sure you read book 1 before picking this up because this book picks up right where book 2 leaves off.

You will NOT be able to put this series down, it's just that good!


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