Book Review: Focused by Alyson Gerber


Focused - Alyson Gerber - 4.5 Stars - My younger self would have loved this. So relatable.

My younger self felt so seen reading this. I have ADHD and absolutely relate to Clea. I had and have some of the same struggles as she does and boy did this book really hit home for me thinking back to my struggles in school. Loved this. SO close to 5 stars but I didnt love seeing the romance/relationship thrown in at the end. Overall loved this though and feel like it's an excellent representation of someone with ADHD. So relatable.

This is all about Clea who is struggling with keeping up with school work and her chess team hobby/practice. Clea's thoughts are out of control, from speaking out of turn, interrupting people, getting distracted, not being able to focus, etc. These signs all point to ADHD. She's falling behind and needs help. She goes to the doctor to get evaluated and the story goes on here.

Loved seeing Clea and her family, the support was so nice, her little sister was so sweet, and the book in general was very heartwarming. I liked how the author took us through the entire process of ADHD with the testing too and how Clea's support team was going to put a plan together to work with her and help. Highly recommend.


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