Book Review: Forget Me Not by Ellie Terry


Forget Me Not - Ellie Terry - 2 Stars - Enjoyed learning about Tourette syndrome, but the way this was told in verse, it wasn't my favorite.

A 7th grade girl, Calliope June, has Tourette syndrome and starts at a new school She tries to hide her quirks mostly because her Mom tells her to. Her Mom is not much of a mother to her - she leaves her alone, is always finding a new boyfriend and is moving her from place to place all the time. Her Dad passed away so it's just Calli and her Mom. At this new school, she makes a new friend and potential love interest, but he is afraid to embrace their friendship in front of everyone....

I am having a hard time fully understanding this book. Maybe because it's told in verse (poetry style) I must be missing something because the ending of this book was just....bad. Our main girl struggles with not having a present mom, being bullied at school, not being able to be who she truly is with her TS, etc. I liked seeing her point of view with TS and learned a lot about TS. However, the scenes and details with her mom were so sad. Mostly, this book was so depressing - yes it was realistic in many ways - but I didn't get the feel good ending I was looking for as we usually get in a middle grade. The connection just wasn't there. The ending frustrated me. Yes we got to see her embrace who she was but the way this ended -without spoiling it- was not what I hoped. It was too centered about her mom. It just feels unfinished.

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