Book Review: The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert


The Art of Losing Yourself - Katie Ganshert - 4 Stars - An emotional rollercoaster!

What an emotional rollercoaster ya'll! I read this as one of my friend Oceana's favorite books and I really enjoyed it! Beautiful faith content and characters who truly went through hard things. This was almost a 5 star read but the ending was a bit flat as I felt like it ended too abruptly and I wanted more resolution with the characters but I still really enjoyed it.

We follow 2 sisters, Carmen and Gracie. Carmen is known as a famous Florida meteorologist with her husband Ben, the handsome and popular football coach. On the outside, they look like they have it all together in their marriage. But inside, they are hurting. After Carmen has suffered through 6 miscarriages, their marriage is struggling from all the grief and hurt experienced. Then we have Gracie - Carmen's 17 year old sister who is struggling from dealing with her mother's alcoholism and the wrong crowd in school. She continues to have rough patches in school and getting in trouble. Her mother wants to send her to her Dad's but she runs away from home and ends up at her aunt's old boarded-up motel and crashes there for a few days before Carmen realizes she is there. Carmen takes in Gracie and you wonder how the Lord is going to use each other's circumstances and this broken down motel to bring each other back to life.

Like I said, I really loved the faith content and the story was SO emotional - trigger warning for multiple miscarriages, character with dementia, struggling marriage, processing grief, etc. Also, if you are looking for a "happily ever after" - that's not this book but it is a realistic view of how God is always there in life's storms and struggles we face. I'm so glad I read this and look forward to more of Katie's books.


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