Book Review: Resistance by Jaye L. Knight


Resistance - Jaye L. Knight - 5 Stars - A wonderful surprising read! Great start to a Christian non-magical fantasy series! (Book 1 in The Ilyon Chronicles)

WOW, what a wonderful surprise! I read my friend Celestria's favorite books and this was a 5 star read for me! :) A great start to a Christian Fantasy series! Even if you are not someone who loves fantasy, ya'll would LOVE this because it's more of a fantastical "world", set in medieval times then fantasy elements in the story so it's easy to understand with great characters! The reason I loved this so much is the Christian allegory was TOP TIER! I felt Daniel/Shadrach/Meshach/Abednego vibes - these people are NOT going to bow down to false gods - we are here for this story ya'll!

In this story, we follow Kyrin and her twin brother, Kaden, as they are training in Tarvyn Hall. They are believers in Elom (allegory to God) but they have to keep their belief hidden. Things get crazy when Kyrin is forced to go work for the Emperor Daican to read people. The Emperor wants everyone to worship these false gods and anyone who doesn't will be sentenced to death.

Then we have Jace - half human, half animal - does he have a soul? People doubt it and have always looked upon him with fear and contempt because the half animal in him has always been very dangerous and a vicious kind. But Jace is a believer in Elom and is trying to hold on to what little faith he is starting to have left as he feels it crumbling from all the hardship he has been through. He works under Rayad - a father / mentor figure for him - a wanted man but a main of faith who helps him and they grow close during the next few years together. Things get crazy for Jace and our character perspectives start to mesh together as they begin to form their resistance together.......

As I said, the best part of this was the Christian Allegory and the characters ya'll. SO GOOD.

Overall, book 1 in the Ilyon Chronicles is one of my favorite books of 2023 and can't wait to get into the rest of the series!


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