Book Review: Veil of Winter by Melanie Dickerson


Veil of Winter - Melanie Dickerson - 4 Stars - A sleeping beauty retelling! (Book 3 in The Dericott Tales Series)

Really enjoyed this one! A sleeping beauty retelling - yesss! The beginning part was my favorite with the sleeping beauty vibes. This story is all about Elyce who doesnt want to marry the guy her father has set out for her to marry because it all ties back to his plan to work with another king to make her people work in the dreadful mines - when they aren't people who would make it working there. So she devises a plan to drink a potion to put her to sleep for a few days and then she would escape and travel to another king to try and convince them to help her people.....but she doesn't wake up and along comes Sir Gerard - who has a vision from God instructing him to help Elyce. He goes to help her and things go on from here as they are perused by her enemy's guards over mountainous terrain and deadly winter.

Like I said, I enjoyed this story, these books are always a fun time - this one leaned more on the YA side but still enjoyed it. I personally like that we know our characters are Christian and can see their thoughts to God asking for His help throughout the story, or asking is this His will, etc. My favorite character was Sir Gerard and love that he has a vision from God to go help Elyce.

The romance was cute but a bit too instalove-y for me and Elyce was a bit whiney at times but again, this is YA so I could forgive it a bit haha. Overall, if you like retellings I think you would enjoy it, but its definitely for a younger audience. Excited to read book 4!

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