Book Review: The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese


The Words We Lost - Nicole Deese - 4 Stars - “No heartache has ever gone unseen and no darkness has ever been too dark for light to overcome.” (Book 1 in the Fog Harbor Romance Series)

The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese will take you on a journey of emotions. This is the third book by Nicole Deese I have read and she truly knows how to touch your heart in her books. It touches on grief in such a way that leaves you filled with hope. If you enjoy books that have a publishing, writing, manuscript vibe - you will love this!

This book is all about Ingrid, who is an editor in California. She is having such a hard time in her job reading manuscripts since the death of her best friend, Cece. Cece had a brain tumor and passed away before she could publish the last installment of her famous fantasy book series. Because of all the trouble Ingrid is having in her job, her boss is about to let her go when she offers her a deal to try and find the missing manuscript of the final installment of the popular series everyone wants to see finished. Throughout this process, she meets back up with Joel, from an old relationship and Cece's cousin. Joel says Cece left them a manuscript she wanted them to read together (she is matchmaking even after she is gone, my heart ya'll!). They start to read through this manuscript, rekindling old emotions, working through their grief together and learning about things of the past. The story kicks off from here.

I truly appreciated this story where we got to see the actual manuscript / story of the past of Cece on page before she passed away with her best friend and cousin. It's almost like a story inside a story - which was so interesting! We see both perspectives as they are reading the manuscript and then dealing with the grief of her no longer being there and other items in their past. I loved seeing this added in too because it gave a lighter element of friendship added in with the grief that I felt like was needed.

Thank you Bethany House/Baker Publishing for a copy to honestly read and review. The ending made me cry and the author’s note is a must read y’all. My heart.

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