Book Review: Assaulted Caramel by Amanda Flower


Assaulted Caramel - Amanda Flower - 5 Stars - A fun cozy mystery series!

I really enjoyed this new cozy mystery by Amanda Flower! It had great characters and some faith elements since the grandparents are amish and in the amish community. I listened to this on audio so I didn't find any issues with the language differences / verbiage that you sometimes find in amish fiction. It was just precious. I LOVED the grandparents, the small town vibes, the family aspect, and of course, we love a good cozy mystery set in a candy shop! I am a chocolate lover so this was a bonus for me too! 4.5 to 5 stars. I will be continuing on with the series for sure!

This is all about Bailey who is living her best life at the world-famous JP Chocolates in New York City. She is about to get a new promotion when she has to leave to go see her grandfather in Ohio due to his heart condition worsening. When she gets there, we see drama with this guy who wants to buy up all the Amish businesses in town - but her grandfather isn't selling. Next thing you know - Bailey ends up finding this man dead in her grandather's candy shop and she becomes the main suspect. Things go on from here with tons of drama between things going on back home in New York and things happening in Ohio as she tries to put together pieces of the murder to clear her name.

My favorite parts in this were when the Deputy and Bailey would talk and how he was tied in with his story and her grandparents. Also of course - the family aspect with her grandparents was so precious. Such a simple life here in this little town. I, as usual, didnt figure out who the killer was soooooo LOL no surprises there for me. Great ending!


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