Book Review: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Misty M. Beller


Rocky Mountain Rendezvous - Misty M. Beller - 4 Stars - A wonderful journey out west with great characters, a unique setting and a sweet romance! (Book 1 in the Sisters of the Rockies Series)

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous will take you on quite the journey out west! I really enjoyed the setting, characters, history and sweetness of the story. This was my first Misty Beller book and I’m eager to read the next in this series as it left off with a little bit of a cliffhanger – and ya’ll already know I NEED TO KNOW what happens next in a book like this! If you love sweet reads with historical elements, the rocky mountain setting, a western vibe and a character driven story, this is for you!

This story is all about Juniper Collins and her sisters, Rosemary, Faith and Lorelei. They travel to the Rocky Mountain Rendezvous in search of a Piegan Blackfoot woman that helped saved their father’s life many years ago. As they settle in the Green River Valley (future Wyoming), they stand out like a sore thumb in the midst of the rendezvous and Riley Turner comes along, compelled to help these ladies in their journey. The story kicks off from here as Riley Turner and his friends take it upon themselves to help these sisters find Steps Right – the Piegan Blackfoot woman.

I learned so much about the early 1830s rendezvous, where traders would meet to trade needed supplies. I had never heard about this so it’s always nice to learn about something in the past like this and research it on my own. It was so interesting to me. This is a very character driven story, I loved the sisters and their bond in strength together. Riley was a nice guy and I loved seeing him try to help them along the way. There was a nice light faith element as well, where the characters pray to the Lord and their thoughts go to Him many times. Some parts were a little slow for me, but I overall enjoyed the story and I’m super excited to continue on in the series. I love the way Misty brought this historical setting to life with a great adventure. Thank you to Bethany House, Baker Publishing and NetGalley for providing a copy to honestly read and review.


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