Book Review - Twilight by Stephanie Meyer


Twilight - Stephanie Meyer - 4 Stars - Just a fun nostalgic read :)

This book is just a fun nostalgic read and I had the best time laughing and reading through this! I did a vlog and movie commentary with my hubs and we had the best time just picking at things and remembering old times when we would go and watch the movies in theaters when we first started dating. This isn't the best book in the world of course, but again, it's not meant to be. Its a pure comfort read for me and just a fun reminder of the book series that got so many of us back into reading back in the day. My fav characters in Twilight are Alice and Jasper haha and I was always Team Edward but of course, in New moon I would switch around back and forth on that LOL. Not much of a review here, just random thoughts, but just a good time book. (But for real, how did we not see how toxic dis was back in the day LOL jkjk) Still love me some Twilight after all this time.

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