Book Review: The Vanishing at Castle Moreau by Jaime Jo Wright


The Vanishing at Castle Moreau - Jaime Jo Wright - 5 Stars - A mysterious castle, a long kept secret and an ending that will leave with you with so much hope!

Wow, loved this book so much. 4.5-5 stars! Jaime Jo’s endings always have such a big reveal and leave you with such hope. This quote made me cry… “a sisterhood that is greater than fear, and a holy strength that conquers evil.” If you like mysterious castles with secrets, gothic vibes, dual timeline, a century-old mystery….great characters with a little bit of romance sprinkled in- read this!

This is a multi timeline, primarily dual timeline. We have 1801 with short updates here and there from a perspective called “the girl”. It appears to be those that originated in the castle. Then we have 1870, where orphaned Daisy Francois takes a job as a housemaid at the castle. She meets a Gothic authoress who appears to be hiding things about the castle so Daisy starts trying to piece everything together to figure out the castle’s secrets. She also has a small romance here start to bloom. Then we have present day, where Cleo Clemons is hired by this woman’s grandson who lives at the castle- he wants Cleo to help his grandmother with her hoarding tendencies throughout the castle. But there is more to meets the eye for Cleo at Castle Moreau….With a romance blooming for Cleo, secrets of her own to hide and a mystery uncovered at the castle, Cleo may get more then she bargained for in this new job…

The two timelines are tied together by the generations of people who built the castle leading up through present day, while these generations are keeping the secrets of the castle hidden and a lady in each timeline comes in trying to figure everything out with their own little romantic interest.

Some parts were a bit longer for me then others but this is so close to 5 stars for me because of the ending. That last 25% when everything was revealed….my heart. I loved what Jaime Jo did with the ending of this yall! I didn’t see it coming. Completely shocked.

This also wasn’t too creepy for me. Some parts are a little unsettling but nothing too bad. There are mentions of past child abuse but it’s off page and not detailed. The creepy level really just reminds me of stories from mysterious castles like you might see in an episode of “Are You Afraid of the Dark” 😁 Nothing too scary! Maybe some shadows lurking in the dark or someone rattling a door knob but we don’t know who/no one is there type stuff 😁

Overall, I can’t wait to dive into more of Jaime’s books as this was amazing!


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