Book Review: Nicolae by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins


Nicolae - Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins - 5 Stars - THIS ENDING! I need to know all the things after that ending! (Book 3 in the Left Behind Series)

I absoluley love every time I dive back into this series. I truly appreciate the recaps in the beginning too. It's wild to think this was written almost 30 years ago and the things going on in this book - some are happening today as biblical prophecy continues to unfold. This series reminds us that NOW is the time to come to the Lord and be ready for the end of times. We are surely living in them today. Trust in Jesus before it's too late. 

In this book, we see the rise of the antichrist character and all the judgements as they start to unfold. Rayford and Buck find themselves pressed into service for the antichrist and they are all working as the tribulation force together as Nicolae continues to take over the United Nations, sign a peace treaty with Israel, push for one world religion among the nations, cashless society....again, prophecy unfolding left and right. Global war erupts. We see more of Nicolae's true motives in this book. What a cliff hanger of an ending. I loved book 3 and can't wait to continue into book 4. 

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