Book Review: Of Books and Bagpipes by Paige Shelton

Of Books and Bagpipes - Paige Shelton - 3 Stars - Book 2 in the Scottish Bookshop Mystery Series

I like our characters and the story in general, but in this one, I sometimes got bored, a little confused on keeping people together and how they were related to one another - overall it was just ok. I don't know what this book was missing - maybe more in the romance area. We know she is seeing someone but you never really see them on page together. We have a lot of secrets in this one and I am still not sure if I can trust Edwin (Delaney's boss). He is just a very odd character to me. I will be continuing on in the series as I have all of them on my audible account. I liked it, but not in love yet. I did like book 1 more. Another thing I think that is missing here is we don't see much work being done in the bookstore - I think that would make it more realistic. I still love the Scotland setting and the accent in the narration!

This followed Delaney, a few months after book 1, where she is going to meet someone for her boss, to pick up a book, but instead finds that person she was to meet, dead. There are SO many different twists and turns - multiple mysteries if you will - with family drama and you are trying to figure out how they involve her boss Edwin and the story goes on from here.

This series has been fun so far and I am really interested to see how I feel about book 3. I hope book 3 doesn't have too many extra characters because that is what made me confused and losing interest sometimes. 

Goodreads Review:
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