Book Review: The Painter's Daughter by Julie Klassen

The Painter's Daughter - Julie Klassen - 4.5 Stars - Such beautiful storytelling! My favorite Julie Klassen book so far!

This is my favorite Julie Klassen book so far! 4.5-5 stars, rounding up to 5. Beautiful storytelling. Truly felt like I was in the middle of a regency tv series or movie. Jane Austen vibes. One of the best regency romances I have ever read! Plus, a marriage of convenience – my favorite! :)

In this story, set in England 1815, we follow Sophie Dupont, who fell in love with an artist, Wesley Overtree. Sophie thought she was in love with Wesley and that he would marry her. Unfortunately, things don't happy as she expected...and Wesley leaves for Italy as he jumped at the opportunity to travel and paint. Wesley leaves behind a sorry excuse for a note to Sophie leaving her and his brother, Stephen, not anticipating Wesley's return anytime soon. What Sophie didn't tell Wesley before he left – she is pregnant with his child. Wesley's brother, Captain Stephen Overtree, sees the situation for what it is that Sophie is in and as a respectable man, offers to marry her in name only to protect her and her child's future. With Stephen set to go off to war, they get married, and the story goes from here as they start getting to know one another, their families, interests, etc.....

I just loved this story. Julie truly told us a full, captivating story from the details of the families, side characters, setting, romance – she transported us right there with the characters! I loved how honorable Stephen was – the perfect hero. I had such compassion for Sophie – she was overlooked by her family and the first man that comes along and shows her love – she has a horrible experience just wanting to be loved. Seeing Stephen and Sophie getting to know each other was the best. Wesley was despicable as expected.

I loved the faith and prayer elements as well in the story – no matter what you have done, God is with you and loves you – He holds the ultimate redemption for us in Jesus. I liked seeing Sophie’s growth through her faith walk too.

Highly recommend!

Note: I wouldn’t recommend this to teens, only to adults because of the subject matter of the story.


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