Book Review: Cold Pursuit by Nancy Mehl


Cold Pursuit - Nancy Mehl - 4.5 Stars - A spiritually uplifting Christian suspense novel that will leave you immersed from start to finish!

"And I will bring you through this storm. You are my beloved child, and I never left you."

I am not really a general suspense or thriller reader - but now I will be, as Nancy Mehl is now a new favorite author! WOW, I read this in 1 day ya'll. ONE. DAY. This was so close to a perfect read for me and I can't wait for book 2 as this ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger! It's fast paced, has great faith elements and discussions surrounding mental health (schizophrenia and synesthesia).

In the story we are following River Ryland and Tony St. Clair. They are now private investigators in their own practice and former FBI employees. River and Tony are great friends and now partners in this new practice together. As we see them start to work on getting new cases, there are remnants of a previous case that we see from the prologue still haunting them. They also have some personal issues they are each dealing with that bring emotional depth to the story. 

As they get their first case to try and find a mother's missing teen that has been missing for 4 years, we get the perspective of someone named Brian - we know Brian is a killer but how is he involved in their case? Brian has schizophrenia and synesthesia - both mental illnesses that have went untreated for too long and he is suffering. Some parts of his POV as a killer were a little unsettling for me to personally read, but it really did add to the depth of the story and I understand why it was added. You have empathy and compassion for Brian because of what he is going through mentally, but you also don't excuse what he is doing because we know everyone ultimately is responsible for their own actions, regardless. We see how he is tied in with the case River and Tony are working through and it's all makes for an action packed story!

Overall, I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves mysteries, thrillers or suspense novels. I loved our characters and hope there will be a little bit of a romance form between them. I felt like it was hinted a little bit in book 1, so hopefully we will see more development there. 

For content warnings: Clean read, but some of the killer POVs may be a little unsettling with mentions of the killings, blood, mental illness, etc. Also, River's mother has Alzheimer's so we see some of her struggles in that regard.  

Thank you to Baker Publishing and Bethany House for providing a copy of this book to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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