Book Review: The Choices She Made by Felicia Ferguson

The Choices She Made - Felicia Ferguson - 4 Stars - An emotional, faith filled read with tough topics but important to read!

This book really surprised me. Wow. I cried while reading in several places as it does deal with some difficult subjects but it is filled with biblical truths and scriptures. God did not give us a spirit of fear. He has a plan for us. The Lord works everything out for our good. Loved how much faith was in this story and how impactful it was for me. 

This book follows Madeline in 1997 and 2011. In 1997, we follow her story of how she was sexually assaulted by the son (John David) of a wealthy rancher at the age of 17 and becomes pregnant. She never reports it during this time as she is afraid of the damage it will do for her family financially due to the circumstances of the attacker's family and connections to her family. 

Her mother passed away many years ago so it's just her and her Dad. When her Dad finds out about what happened, we see him wrestle with what to do but she begs him not to say or do anything about it - as they fear no one would believe them. 

We see her journey in 1997 as she wrestles with how to handle the situation and what to tell others leading up to her daughter's birth. We cut to the timeline in 2011 many years later when her and her daughter, Georgia, go to visit her father and they hear of John David being on trial for other sexual assaults. After all this time, will Madeline tell the truth and help put John David away for good? 

Overall I really enjoyed this story. Madeline has a strong faith in the Lord and that was a beautiful thing to see. You can tell how her faith really strengthened her in her horrible experience. Madeline gave up everything in her life just so her daughter could have a good life. I loved her character and her relationship with her father was beautiful. I did prefer the 2011 timeline over the 1997 timeline, but did tear up several times in the old timeline. Overall, a story all about overcoming hardships and making hard decisions but having the Lord with you the entire time. Glad I read it as it really tugged at my heart strings. Thank you to the Author for a copy to honestly read and review, all opinions are my own.

Content warning: This does deal with heavier topics of sexual assault, discussions of abortion and a court case against her attacker.

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