Book Review: Cloak of Scarlet by Melanie Dickerson


Cloak of Scarlet - Melanie Dickerson - 3.5 rounded up to 4 Stars - Little Red Riding Hood Retelling (Book #5 in The Dericott Tales but can be read as a Standalone.)

I always enjoy my time reading these YA medieval fairytale retellings in this series. This one was a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. They have enough of the basics of the retelling to be a retelling but also enough of a twist to be their own stories - I always like that. They are always lighthearted and just what I need for the time. 

Set in the late 1300s in England, we follow Violet, who was adopted and loves to visit her grandmother in her red cloak. Violet's grandmother is robbed by the villain, Baron Dunham. Violet finds herself in the middle of an action packed story and will do anything to stop the Baron from mistreating her people and stealing from them. We see Sir Merek come in, who is a knight of the Baron, but when he meets Violet, he discovers what the Baron has been doing and just how evil he really is. Sir Merek and Violet work together to stop him, while getting to know one another along the way.

This was a lot of fun and I really liked our characters and the faith content sprinkled throughout was really nice to see. I don't think I truly connected with Violet and Sir Merek like I have some of the other characters throughout this series, but I thought they were good in this story. The family drama in this one was a nice twist.

Excited to see what comes next in this series! Thank you to the publisher for sending a complimentary copy to honestly read and review. All opinions are my own.


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