Book Review: The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth

The Good Sister - Sally Hepworth - 5 Stars - AMAZING!

WOW. 5 STARS. What an AMAZING secular psychological thriller! I would say it leans more on the family drama / suspense side - which I LOVED. Sally Hepworth new fav?! YES. I am so glad I read this with my friends as it really enhanced the reading experience. We did NOT see what happened in the end and that was awesome. THIS is how you do a psychological thriller! Love to see it!

This book will keep you on your toes and keep you guessing all the way through. This follows 2 twin sisters, Fern and Rose. Rose has taken care of Fern her entire life, as Fern is neurodivergent and has sensory problems. My son is Autistic and I have ADHD, so many of her struggles reminded me of being on the spectrum with some of his issues and ADHD with some of mine, but she has never been formally diagnosed. Rose is unable to get pregnant and Fern sees this as an opportunity to help her sister after everything she has done for her. So she secretly sets out to find a father and things go on from here as she meets "Wally" but never expects to fall in love with him. We see secrets of the past between the sisters start to unfold and what you find is what you NEVER expected! HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!

I loved Fern's character. She is probably one of the BEST book characters of all time for me. I loved the representation of her being neurodivergent and just how real she was. Her and Wally were PRECIOUS. LOVED THEM SO MUCH. The family drama in this was the BEST. 

If you want to see ALL of my thoughts as I read this book ---- check out my reading vlog, there are timestamps to skip to where I talk about this book towards the end. AMAZING.

Content warning: This book does have some language but not much - it made sense in the secular story. There are also journal entries that depict some hard topics such as family abuse and child sexual abuse but very easy to skip those and not too detailed. Wanted to mention though as a trigger warning.

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