Book Review: Summer in the Spotlight by Liz Johnson


Summer in the Spotlight - Liz Johnson - 4 Stars - A Cute, Clean, Christian Contemporary Romance (Book #3 in the Prince Edward Island Shores Series)

A cute summer romance between Levi and Kelsey, with a little bit of family drama and a goal to restore the local theater that gets damaged as an aftermath of the hurricane that Levi rescues Kelsey in! I really enjoyed this one. My favorite parts were the beginning with Levi rescuing Kelsey from the hurricane aftermath and them all working together to save and rebuild the theater. Levi is rough around the edges and doesn't talk much, but he really grows in this story. Kelsey experienced some good growth as well - specifically surrounding hospitals and her fear of seeing blood. It was just a super cute, clean, small town romance that I enjoyed. While I wish we had more faith in this book, it was overall very sweet and cute.

I think anyone who loves the setting of Prince Edward Island would also really enjoy this. We got to see all the Ross brothers, their significant others and Mama Potts again - that was great. Levi and Kelsey had known each other for a long time but only recently started being close friends as the hurricane they experienced forced them together. I love the small town vibe here with all of our characters together (Eli, Levi, Oliver).

Kelsey was such a great character for me, she really had this drive that she was never going to give up on what she believed in - the theater, her job, her community - everything was so important to her.

I was a bit frustrated with the added character of the weatherman, he was a bit frustrating with what he was doing - he had no loyalty to anyone there - but it made sense for the story line in the end. My need for a happy ending across all sides also made me wish for more of resolution with their father too, but I understand that what happens is actually pretty realistic in many families - no matter how sad it can be and sometimes you have to move on and protect your family at all costs.

Overall, this series has been fun to read and I recommend to anyone who likes a cute, clean romance series that features brothers in each different book. Someone who has a love for theater will really enjoy this story as well! Thank you to Revell and Baker Publishing for providing a copy to honestly read and review.


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