Book Review: Almost Everything by Mandi Blake


Almost Everything - Mandi Blake - 4.5 Stars - Another great book in the Wolf Creek Ranch Series!
(Book 2)

Ya'll, this series is just what I need this month. A lighthearted, sweet, Christian romance set on a ranch with the greatest cast of character you feel so connected to. I LOVED this one so much, even more than book 1! It just had the best guy who truly cared for her and it helps he had the same name as my husband LOL! Seriously though, a sweet hallmark movie style on the ranch story!

Note: This book is book 2 in the Wolf Creek Ranch series - I do recommend reading it after book 1, because 1 to 2 sentences in this book spoil a big reveal in book 1. 

Here we have Blake and Everly -- Blake left his professional football career for small town life 5 years ago. His friend Ridge needed help and being closer to Everly was great too. Blake has been in love with his best friend's sister for years but stood by and never pursued anything, leaving Everly to end up engaged to David, a total jerk. The book starts off with Blake driving Everly to the airport to get on a plane to go see David, but when her best friend sends photos to her of David with another woman, she calls off the engagement. Blake is there to comfort here over the next several months and she soon realizes he's the one for her all along, not David. David continues to pursue her and cause trouble for Everly, but Blake isn't having it! The story goes on from here.

- Brother's Best Friend
- He falls first
- Protective MMC

I was completely immersed in Blake and Everly's interactions and connection. They had such a great chemistry due to their past together and they just fit together perfectly. Love the setting, characters and the drama/part secrets revealed. I LOVE a good protector in a romance and Blake is the perfect mixture of a protector, friend and boyfriend. Just such a sweet story and I loved seeing Everly work through her writing too. Her friends were also a HOOT! I was like YES the perfect BESTIES! Ain't gonna let nobody cheat on their friend! The faith elements in this were also beautiful to see and I loved seeing Blake and Everly stand firm in their "living together" beliefs, because there is a situation where she is kicked out of her home from David, so she quickly moves in with her brother and Blake -- but before her and Blake start ANY kind of relationship, they both agree they must separate in their living situation because they don't want to cross any lines or be "living together" with a partner in that way -- very refreshing to see! 

Excited to see how things go in book 3 with Ridge's story! He's such an interesting character too!

Trigger Warning: Only content warning I want to mention is the details surrounding her ex-fiance David and Everly were a bit tough - he was obsessive and continued to pursue her with a couple of tough scenes with him yelling and pushing/hurting her.

Thank you to the author for providing me with a copy to honestly read and review - all opinions are my own.

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