Book Review: Heart of Red, Blood of Blue by: Rebecca Belliston


Heart of Red, Blood of Blue by Rebecca Belliston - 5 Stars - An amazing standalone Christian fantasy story!

This is all about Princess Gisela of Steinland who was born with albinism. Her betrothal to Prince Jerrik of Kronga ended in his death and a 10 year war started with her father. Her father keeps her hidden for many years until he wants to use her to agree to another alliance and betroth her to an awful leader. A Krongon war commander, Bloodless Kristoff, is also after Gisela after killing her siblings as well so that puts a lot of stress on the situation. Gisela runs away and starts finding the truth as she flees.....her ultimate goal is to end this crazy war. Can she do it?

OK YA'LL READ THIS BOOK. It's an ALL time favorite. I loved the unexpected plot twists that I didn't see coming, it has amazing characters and kept me on the edge of my seat! I was SHOCKED at the ending when things were revealed. Highly recommend for those who want a good, clean Christian non-magical fantasy story.

I loved the faith elements we had in the story, her cross necklace, prayers and almost like angels for her who would show up to help her (other Christians who showed up in answered prayer).

Content warning: There are some violence and blood in this during the war battle scenes but otherwise language free and clean.


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