Book Review: My Dear Miss Dupre by Grace Hitchcock


My Dear Miss Dupre - Grace Hitchcock - 4 Stars - A fun, "bachelorette" type story set in the Gilded Age - late 1800s!

This book was a lot of fun! A very unique premise indeed! Lovers of Clean, Christian Historical Romance and shows like the bachelor or bachelorette will enjoy this story! This book is the definition of "spilling the tea" HAHA - so much drama! In this book, we follow Willow Dupre who never thought she would have to get married. She was fine just helping her family out on their sugar refinery. Plans change unexpectedly when her father's retirement comes to light due to his health issues, leaving Willow to be presented with 30 potential suitors from the families of New York's society elite group call the "Four Hundred". The shareholders of the sugar refinery say she must get married to have a husband to help her run the family business and her parents want to make sure she marries for more then just status -- but for love too. So in comes a big competition where she has to eliminate the men 1 by 1 over the next 6 months and find her husband. Things get crazy, drama ensues and secrets start to be revealed....who will she choose? Who can she trust?

I really liked how this author weaved in this competition to choose her husband -- so fun and many times I laughed. It reminded me of a Jen Turano story in a way! The witty dialogue, unique storytelling and characters - so much fun! There were times I felt like it was a bit too long and at first too many characters in the competition had me confused on who was who -- but overall I had a good time with this. I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was great. I will say, the ending felt a bit rushed as we didn't have closure on one of the possible suitors I grew to love, but book 2 is his story so I am super excited to read it! Don't read the synopsis of book 2 or you will be spoiled for this book!

This was also clean and cute with only small kisses in the story. Our main girl did get herself in a bit of trouble in that regard sometimes, which made me laugh. I thought it was nice that her parents and Willow worked together to talk about the competition and she was willing and able to participate without fighting them on it -- she would do anything for her family and their businesses and that was beautiful to see. 

As the reader, you know some of the behind the scenes things that Willow doesn't - which was great because we really got to see the motives behind some of the characters. One of our guys here is planted as a spy but soon begins to love her --- and we see all that unfold behind the scenes. 

Overall, a fun, unique story with some great characters and good humor throughout the story. 


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