Book Review: Night Fall by Nancy Mehl


Night Fall - Nancy Mehl - 4.5 Stars - An "on the edge of your seat" Christian Suspense! (Book 1 in The Quantico Files Series)

This was my second book by Nancy and she sure knows how to truly keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat in her books! This book is a Christian Suspense/Mystery and has an awesome ending! If you find the prologue a bit too unsettling, keep reading because it jumps right in to the main characters and that unsettling feeling is a bit resolved early on. While we do have some other chapters from the killer perspective that can be a bit unsettling overall, it didn't cross any lines with me as far as my own personal content barriers, BUT I don't recommend reading after 8pm LOL. The only things I didn't love were I wanted more of a resolution on Alex's faith/salvation story but I will be reading book 2 to see how it all plays out. I did love all of the faith elements in the story, they were great. Additionally, I don't love when stories tie in Covid-19 in a book - it somewhat dates the story and I feel like I heard enough about that when it was going on, but this book only had very small bits on that thankfully so it didn't impact my reading much.

In this story, we follow Alex and Logan - Alex is not a believer but Logan is. We see his influence throughout the story for her as Alex wrestles with the thoughts of does she want to truly know God? Will she let the Lord in? She's been brought up in a very hard home situation - with her family being involved in something called "The Circle" - basically a cult that thinks you are either an angel or a demon and they have their own "book" of guidelines for their "master". It's a wild ride for sure - as we see this "cult" be brought back up in the actual murders and the "Train Man" who is committing them. He sees it as his duty to kill 1/3rd of the population and he has a secret "virus" to do it. Alex and Logan work to stop him and the story goes on here.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one in the series. Lovers of suspense with great faith elements - pick this up.

Content: Main character has OCD, mentions of parental deaths and struggling as a child to keep their home clean, main storyline has a cult, mentions of demons, some unsettling killing mentions, etc.


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