Book Review: On Moonberry Lake by Holly Varni - DNF 33%


On Moonberry Lake - Holly Varni - A disappointment 

DNF 33%. This Christian Fiction book was one I was really anticipating for the Fall of 2023. The premise sounded like such a good story. I think the writing is good, the characters were making me laugh and I was loving the small town setting. She does a great job immersing you in this new town and describing it. Unfortunately, this is not for me and I am disappointed in the new age beliefs displayed. Based on what I read 33% in, I feel this book had a good opportunity to share the love of Christ - the true Gospel of Jesus - but instead, I found a girl who truly needed good, Godly friendships but she was becoming good friends with the wrong influence. Not to bash this author in any way, I am just very disappointed and surprised in the amount of new age statements shown for a Christian marketed book.

This book is about Cora, who has no family, her mother recently passed away and she has inherited her grandparents lodge and is trying to start new in this new area. She is getting to know people and we see how she truly needs a friend.

Where I have a problem with this -- we have the following:
- Page 1 mentions the main character being able to tell when someone was dying or pregnant and explains it as she has a premonition
- A character - Kitty - who talks to gravestones as if they're people and is described to be a bit witchy
- Another character - who is a bit of a hippie artsy character - who starts off saying she can make Cora some Jewish bread (or other cultural bread) and how the act of baking and creating bread can be meditative and it "centers your spirit at the present moment".
- The same character above talks about her being a hippie at heart and how they come to accept and love her and then they continue talking about "talking to people in the cemetery", how people who have died are still with us and make us better listeners.
- Our main character, Cora, makes a fool out of herself twice in front of someone and this friend says "Wow, the universe desperately wants you to cross paths with this person." Then Cora says how this person is a good influence on her and she is thankful for her new friend.

I stopped here.
I read many other reviews that say these types of things and honestly, this is just a missed opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ as I said. You have to be SO careful of your friend circle and who you are "very close" friends with. From what I read thus far, are we encouraging these types of influences? Yes, we need to minister to these friends but your close circle - should be considered very carefully and discernment should play a role in that.

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a free copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts are my own.


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