Book Review: The Cider Shop Rules by Julie Anne Lindsey


Cider Shop Rules - Julie Anne Lindsey - 4 Stars - Book 3 in the Cider Shop Mystery Series

What a perfect fall read! All the fall vibes, atmosphere, activities - so much fun reading it! We are back in Blossom Valley with the upcoming Fall Festival. Everyone is looking forward to Jacob Potter's pumpkin farm with hay rides, pumpkin picking and corn maze fun. Things go south fast though when Mr. Potter is found dead in the back of Winnie's pickup truck. Sheriff Colton is back trying to protect Winnie and figure out who killed Mr. Potter - but then someone named Blake comes in and a little bit of a love triangle comes in the beginning of the story...Will they figure out the killer? Who will win Winnie's heart along the way?

This is the 3rd and final installment of the Cider Shop Mystery series and I am SO sad! I want more of these amazing characters and setting! It feels so southern and real and I just LOVE it. While nothing compares to the first book, this one was a solid 4 stars for me. I buddy read this with some amazing ladies and had the best time trying to figure out the mystery. My favorite part is of course Colton and Winnie and the fall elements. 

Overall, a good ending to the series but hope she will write more someday!

Goodreads Review:
Entire Series on Amazon:

YouTube Review to come, but here is my vlog on it:


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