Book Review: The Sisters of Sea View - Julie Klassen


The Sisters of Sea View by Julie Klassen - 3.5 Stars 

Julie Klassen does such a great job with the research of her settings and history in her books. I can always see that come through in her stories. In this one, we see 4 sisters, but we follow 2 more closely then the other 2 in this book. We do see all 4 sister's POVs throughout the story, which I think hindered my enjoyment since I listened to the audiobook - I should have physically read this since there were so many POVs but I did overall enjoy the story. 

The sisters are Sarah, Emily, Viola and Georgina. In this one, we see mostly Sarah and Viola's story. I related a lot to what Viola was experiencing through her scar and being self conscious. Loved her ending in this book and how she grows throughout to tell her story and help someone from this bad surgeon. Sarah is the oldest and is trying to keep the family together pretty much - they are all suffering from bad finances where their father had passed away and the house was entitled to someone else. So they turn the home into a place where guests stay to make some money in the meantime and start a family business. We see Sarah start to form a romance with a Scotsman so I liked that as well. :)

We see a LOT of Jane Austen references so if that is something you love in books, pick this up! I loved it. 

As far as faith content goes, we saw some references but it was light and natural in the story. Many people have said this would be great for fans of Little Women as well, and I can definitely see that, especially as I have started to read that book recently for myself. 

If you like a good family story, with some romance and an England setting, pick this up!


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