Book Review: Dead Fall by Nancy Mehl


Dead Fall - Nancy Mehl - 4.5 Stars (Book 2 in The Quantico Files Series)

OK YA'LL Nancy Mehl is a FAVORITE author for me for sure. After reading Cold Pursuit, Night Fall and now this -- SHE ALWAYS GOT ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT! Top tier Christian Suspense author.

This book took me through it! We follow Alex and Logan again through their journey together as FBI Behavior Analysis Unit workers but this time the BAU co-found John Davis is found dead in his hotel room - with NO evidence of anyone having entered the room. Turns out, there's a serial killer on the loose who is causing people to commit suicide. How can you find the killer when he never touches his victims? The killer is targeting Alex's unit and things get crazy after this.

We get to see Kaely Quinn from the Kaely Quinn Profiler series, which I haven't read yet but don't feel like I missed anything by not reading it. BUT now I want to read it!

I had no idea who the killer was (as usual LOL) so I was so surprised and on edge. Love the faith that Nancy weaves in with the characters and seeing Alex lean into her newfound faith and how the Lord shows up in every circumstance for them.

4.5/5 - so good! Excited to read book 3 next year!
Trigger warning for suicide mentioned and some unsettling killer moments.


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