Book Review: Cold Threat by Nancy Mehl

Cold Threat by Nancy Mehl - (Book 2 in the Ryland and St. Clair Series) - 4.5 Stars

I will continue to say how AMAZING Nancy Mehl's Christian Suspense books are. She always blows me away with her writing, characters, on the edge of your seat feeling and the faith content throughout the story! This is book 2 in the Ryland and St. Clair Series, with book 1 being Cold Pursuit. These books are PERFECT for Winter Time and make you have that "I HAVE TO KNOW" feeling where you just really want to pick it up and finish it so quickly! This is the 5th Nancy Mehl book I have read and needless to say, she is my favorite Christian Suspense author now. 

In this book, we have a solid story where River and Tony are back at it in their jobs as private investigators/profilers with a serial killer resurfacing after 20 years. 20 years ago, several people were murdered in Des Moines and the only evidence left behind was a snowman ornament hanging on a tree in their front lawns. A suspect was put behind bars and Tony's father, who works for the FBI, thought the case was closed...but was it? With new killings occurring, it appears the "Snowman" killer is back. Can Tony and River figure this old cold case out that Tony's father worked on so long ago?

My favorite part of this story is seeing so much of Tony and River working together and seeing the romantic emotions start to form and take root. We know they care about each other and it was great to see. While this is mostly classified as a general suspense and romance is not a main thread in this story, we saw more romance than you might normally see in a Nancy Mehl book from their feelings standpoint and I loved that! I love how River and Tony work so well together and they would do anything to protect one another. I also loved the scenes with Tony's family and getting to know his parents and seeing the journey his sister went on. 

The faith journey River specifically went on in this series was beautiful to see. She is really coming in to her own and trusting God in everything. This is truly an honorable mention for my top books of the year - 4.5 stars just because I wanted a bit more detail in the ending when "everything was going down" with our killer to see how it played out, but overall SO SO good and I can't wait to see how Book 3 ends! 

Thank you to Bethany House for a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Goodreads Review: Amazon:
Baker Book House:

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