Book Review: The Foxhole Victory Tour by Amy Lynn Green


The Foxhole Victory Tour by Amy Lynn Green - 4 Stars 

Amy Lynn Green's The Blackout Book Club was one of my favorite books of 2022, so when I heard about The Foxhole Victory Tour's release, I was so excited to pick up another great Christian Historical Fiction story that I knew wouldn't disappoint. And it didn't! The Foxhole Victory Tour skillfully captures the profound impact of music and humor in lifting spirits, especially in these challenging circumstances. In this story, we follow 5 total characters in the United Service Organization (USO), but primarily the story of 2 women in 1943. These characters come together in an effort to play music and entertain the troops in North Africa during this time. We see our characters at the forefront of the war looming over them and the story goes on from here. I loved learning about the USO tours in this story because I had never heard of them before.

Our main female characters are Maggie and Catherine. Maggie has such spunk and is not afraid to speak her mind. She plays the trumpet and the story kicked off with her getting in trouble again in her current job, only to find a position with the USO at her feet. Catherine plays the violin and she is out trying to figure out her own life and fine the soldier she fell in love with through letters. She struggles because she is torn among her divorced parents and they each have their own plans for her life. But Catherine isn't going to do what anyone else says and joins the USO tours right along with Maggie. I loved seeing Catherine and Maggie together because they were such opposite characters and we see a friendship of sorts develop.

We see other performers and their stories too - such as Gabriel who is a magician and he gets very close with Maggie in the story. We also see Howie - a WWI veteran and dancer, and Julia, who is a singer. I really connected with the characters and really enjoyed the story. They go through so much together in this journey and the light faith element throughout the story was great to see. 

While some parts were more slow than others, I still overall enjoyed the story and look forward to more Amy Lynn Green books in the future.

Thank you to the publisher, Bethany House, for providing a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Goodreads Review:
Baker Book House:

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