Book Review: Free Fall by Nancy Mehl


Free Fall by Nancy Mehl (Book 3 in The Quantico Files Series) - 4 Stars

This book concludes The Quantico File Series and I have fully enjoyed my time while reading it! I buddy read this entire series with my friend Theresa and we had the BEST time chatting through all the crazy twists and turns throughout the series! We became so attached to the characters and the faith content was wonderful with many prayers, salvation stories and trusting in God throughout each trial. 

In this story we continue to follow Alex and Logan in the FBI's Behavioral Analyst Unit (BAU) and this time they need to profile someone who is abducting and imprisoning several women. One woman we see her POV of throughout the story is Tracy and she tries finding ways out left and right. Alex finds herself right in the middle of these missing women and works to be one step ahead of the man behind it all. Why does this man abduct the women only to feed them gourmet meals, give them nice clothes, books to read, etc.? Is he searching for a specific women? The story kicks of here as Alex sets out to find out, while Logan's health situation remains in the Lord's hands....

The one thing I loved most  about this book was the faith content. This one had the most for me personally and I loved how powerful it was, especially with Logan's POV. My only complaints with this one was I felt like the ending was a bit too rushed. We didn't see much of Logan and Alex together as I would have liked, which is fine, but by the ending, I wish we had more time with them after all of the suspense events ended. Additionally, we never really see how things ended with the women who were rescued as I hoped we would have, specifically Tracy since we saw her POV quite a bit. I would have liked more updates there after it was all over. I also feel like sometimes we didn't see enough searching for Alex with a sense of urgency as I thought there should be but all in all, these things didn't take away from the story for me, I still LOVED this series and Nancy Mehl is a FAVORITE Christian Suspense author for me. She may be an autobuy now!

As far as content warnings, there were some mentions of killings, off page, women being abducted and held in imprisonment etc., but nothing that went over my boundaries. 

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