Book Review: Chasing the Horizon by Mary Connealy


Chasing the Horizon by Mary Connealy - 3 Stars

Readers who enjoy Westerns Christian Historical Romance will enjoy this one but be aware of some intense descriptions of women being sent to insane asylums and their horrible treatments. This brings awareness to how easily a husband could send his wife to an asylum when she did something as simple as disagree with him. This is the 4th Mary Connealy book I have read so far.

In this book, Beth Rutledge helps her mother and friend escape from the insane asylum they were wrongfully imprisoned in. Her father put her mother away and Beth went on the journey to save her from the terrible conditions she endured. They go on the run from their father, assuming new identities on a wagon trail out west. In comes Jake Holt, a wagon trail scout, who helps the women in their journey. Beth and Jake fall in love and he makes sure to take care of her and family at all costs. Meanwhile, Beth's crazy and vindictive father is right on their trail searching for them....

Overall, I liked this book but wasn't exactly in love with it and felt like I wanted the ending to be wrapped up a little more, but I know there is another book in the series to continue to see what happens next. I have enjoyed several of Mary's books but I think I also wanted something different with the romance in this one. It was very awkward to see no real romance and then all of a sudden things moved very quickly between them. It's a clean romance but I wanted more of their interactions together, getting to know each other more, etc. But I understand there was so much going on with the main plot, so that makes sense. This This also seemed a bit formulaic compared to other books I have read by her so it didn't stand out to me necessarily. However, I do recommend this book to anyone who loves a good Christian Western Historical Romance story. 

Thank you to Bethany House and NetGalley for providing a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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