Book Review: Fallen Grace by Sadeqa Johnson

Fallen Grace - Sadeqa Johnson - 5 Stars

Wow, this short historical fiction story had me in tears by the end. I must read this author's other works. A single mother, named Bubbles, in segregated Virginia pushes back when her family sent her away after she finds herself pregnant, intending to give the baby up and have her return so she doesn't shame their family. Her father is a Southern Baptist minister so they don't want anyone to know about this. Bubble stands strong and decides to keep her baby and escapes from the home she was sent to with her daughter. She decides to use her talent of singing to make money after leaving but where she ends up - she stands strong in courage for her own daughter. Beautiful ending. What an emotional punch in such a short story. My favorite so far of this collection.

Bubbles is a character from the story House of Eve by this author. I have not read that one yet, but from other reviews, this can be read independently from that story without spoiling anything.

*Content: Mentions of sexual assault, discrimination, prejudice, and 1 use of GD for language.


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