Book Review: Unlimited Motherhood by Jessica Hurlbut


Unlimited Motherhood - Jessica Hurlbut - 5 Stars - Releases March 19th 

As a Autism Mama to a beautiful 5 year old boy, this book was everything I needed in this season of life. Relatable, understanding, faith-filled, vulnerable and wonderful. I often need to remind myself Jesus knows exactly where we are in this moment. Jessica's book reminds me again that He is wanting us to come to Him. He hasn't left us in the lonely seasons of life when your struggles as a special needs Mom come to the forefront and you feel like you can't leave your home. He hasn't left us when you compare your life to the other families all over social media and wonder if you're not doing enough. He hasn't left us when our fear feels paralyzing for our children's future. He's right there with you in the middle of EVERYTHING and this book reminded me once again, how JESUS is right there in the midst of it all. Every struggle. Every worry. Every fear. We desperately need Him every day. We are fully loved by Him. Fully known. And this book has 12 beautiful chapters that provide insights to everyday practices we can do as mothers for our families and how the Lord can use us even in seasons of isolation, hiding or loneliness. 

I often feel the Mom guilt and like I am not doing enough for my son - this book also reminds me: Every one of us is in need of God's grace and we all struggle in being parents. We are doing the best we can. 

My son's Autism diagnosis has been a rollercoaster of emotions. We don't know what his future holds but we continue to work with so many at school to help him be the most successful. We have good days and bad days. This book reminds me that "God is on the battlefield with us in every situation. Jesus fought for us 2,000 years ago and won. He will supply the strength we need to stand." Reading Jessica's stories about her children's autism diagnosis and the journey she and her husband went through has been extremely relatable and encouraging to me. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to read Jessica's book and believe fully it is a must read, Christian non-fiction for all Mama's no matter what stage of parenting you are in. Specifically special needs Mama's like myself will find extra encouragement, but I truly believe all Mama's will appreciate this book. 

Thank you to Bethany House and Net Galley for a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Baker Book House (I preordered here and plan to highlight so much!):


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