Book Review: Lady of Disguise by Melanie Dickerson


Lady of Disguise by Melanie Dickerson (Book 6 in The Dericott Tales, but can be read as a Standalone) - 4 Stars

Another great retelling in the Dericott Tales! This is a Jack and the Beanstalk retelling and I really enjoyed this one! Set in 1388 England and Scotland, Louisa dreams of finding the rumored "Giant's Treasure" in Scotland. After her father has died and Louisa and her sister go live with their greedy uncle, Louisa is determined to find the treasure. She wants to run away from her Uncle's home and take her sister with her to keep her safe and away from forced unwanted marriages. She runs and disguises herself as a boy, using the name "Jack", and encounters a young knight, Sir Charles, who accompanies her on her journey. Charles knows she did pretending to be a young boy but does not reveal this knowledge as he wants to help her along the way as much as possible. However, things come to a head along their trip and they find themselves starting to care for one another once everything is revealed. The story goes on from here as her Uncle is on the hunt for her and they continue their journey for the hidden treasure.

This is one of my more favorite ones in the series. I loved Louisa and how she would do anything to protect her sister. I love how determined Louisa was in her journey and is always wanting to help others along the way. Sir Charles was an honorable man and I love a good protector in a story and he sure was a great one!

My favorite part of this story though has to be the scenes with the giant - very good faith and prayer content in this section and very heartwarming. 

The romance was fast but sweet. Overall I recommend this one to anyone who loves a good Christian fairy tale retelling and romance and wants a sweet, light read.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Goodreads Review:
Baker Book House:

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