Book Review: Alaskan Rescue by Terri Reed


Alaskan Rescue by Terri Reed - Book 1 in the Alaska K-9 Unit Series - 3 Stars 

This is a Christian Romantic Suspense story about a bridesmaid, Ariel Potter, who is found hanging down off from a cliff by Alaskan State Trooper, Hunter McCord and his K-9 partner, Juneau. The story starts with someone pushing her over the cliff and gunshots ringing out. With Ariel's hiking companions missing, Hunter and Juneau have to find them, all while protecting Ariel throughout the process.

Deciding where I land on this was a bit tough, on one hand, I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook of this one. It had a great narrator, characters were easy to connect to, the plot was interesting to me etc. The romance was a bit "block of cheese" for me, but I think that's how these type of books go sometimes so I was just enjoying the ride. Also, I honestly don't know how well Ariel and Hunter go together because they are both pretty controlling and quick to assumptions in the short time they knew each other.

The ending leaves you with more questions than answers and from what it looks like, the answers may come in book 7 of the series. Personally, I wish we had more answers but I guess we have to read the other books in the series by other authors to really follow what's going on throughout to figure it all out. 

Overall, not a bad book by any means, I may continue on in the series sometime if I feel like picking up a love inspired book in the future. :) 


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