Book Review: Book 2 Sailor Moon


Book Review - Sailor Moon Book 2 - 2.5 to 3 Stars

So, as I have said before, Sailor Moon is such a nostalgic anime/manga series for me. It was a favorite of mine when I was young. I initially thought this would be a 4 star, but really sitting with it, it's really 3.

As an adult re-reading the series, there are things that make me giggle and smile - such as Usagi with her friends saving earth, Luna and Artemis together and the Serenity/Moon back story. The artwork is also amazing. It's probably my favorite artwork from any manga series.

However, there are things that make me cringe. Specifically, the ending of this makes me cringe with the whole Chibi-Usa thing coming down from the sky and her lips end up on Tuxedo Mask's - issa no for me. Especially since technically he is her father in the future, sooo yeah. 

I also still have an issue with the age difference of Usagi and Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask....I think she's 14 and he's 16 or 17. It looks like the anime portrays him as a college student and 18 but the manga is more like 16/17-ish. I know this was back in the 90s when this was created but yeah I wish they were closer in age. Many of the scenes of them together are fairly intimately shown and she just obsesses with him and throws all the responsibilities to the wayside sometimes. It also bothers me there is suicide displayed in this book in relation to their relationship. 

I will also mention the general themes in this book are Sailor Scouts who are basically like warriors based on the planets and a lot of astrology plays into this series. Generally, it hasn't bothered me so far but some of what Rei does in her psychic abilities/seeing into the future have a little bit. There is also re-incarnation in this series and that is shown a lot in this book because we see the Sailor Scouts previous lives on the moon and their back stories where their memories were erased.

Overall, I still enjoyed this but not as much as I probably did as a young teen. 


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