Book Review: If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer


If The Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer - 4.5 Stars 

*Updating review to include some thoughts on the ending*

What a great second book in the Texas Ever After series! A western spin on the classic Cinderella tale! This book can be read as a standalone but I recommend starting with book 1, Fairest of Heart.

In this story, Samantha Dearing is going to the ball that her father is hosting to find her a match! She isn't excited about this so she takes a break from the ball and finds a thief fleeing her home. The stranger, Asher Ellis, was looking for in Samantha's father's room for documentation regarding the rent payments since her father was evicting his mother and family from their property. While Asher is running away, he sees Samantha's brother Clint in distress in the water drowning and he saves his life. While no one saw him in this, he left his boot behind and Samantha decides to find the man that "the boot fits". Samantha and Asher cross paths later as she is tutoring his brother and as someone is after Samantha, Asher is devoted to protecting her at all costs and feelings emerge and the story goes on from here.......

Karen does it again with a great Christian Western Historical Romance with a fairy tale spin and I loved it! The romance in this was so sweet and I loved the faith elements throughout the story. The twist in this was not one I saw coming! The fairytale elements were very light but fun enough added in! Definitely its own unique story.

Editing my review to include thoughts about the twist in this story. I know things that get revealed toward the end in some letters/entries is considered a controversial thing here among reviewers but the more I think about it, the more I want to make sure I am clear on how I feel about it.

Every single one of us has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Neither of us is better than the other. What is depicted in this is an example of someone who made mistakes and repented. Grace and forgiveness were shown. This sin mention in this book is honestly no different than any other sin we have committed ourselves. We are no better than what this person has done in her story. I commend Karen for tackling this topic and showing us what true forgiveness and grace looks like. The character recognized it was wrong and asked for forgiveness. It's so important to show grace, compassion and forgiveness to others and this could have truly happened. I myself have made many mistakes that I am forgiven for in Jesus' name so I found this somewhat relatable for me as well. I just wanted to update this review because I strongly feel this book handled the content in a well manor and Karen was not trying to justify any actions in this.

Thank you to Bethany House for providing a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Just Book 2:

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