Book Review: Recorder by Cathy McCrumb


Recorder by Cathy McCrumb - Book 1 in the Children of the Consortium Series 
5 Stars 

Wow, what an ending! I must read book 2 immediately! This is book 1 in a Christian Sci-Fi series that really is #SciFiWithHeart as many have said. I am not usually someone who reads the Sci-Fi genre because I have a fear of not understanding what's going on - but this was SUPER easy to understand and you are immediately connected to our characters, their relationships and the friendships made. Cathy truly tugs at your heart strings in this one as our main character, who is a Recorder, starts to realize she has value for who she is.  

I can't say too much for this as I really think you should go in this book knowing as little as possible, but to quote the synopsis, "Recorder has no family, friends and no name. Donated to the Consortium before birth, her sole purpose is to maintain and verify records. A neural implant and drone ensure compliance, punishing for displays of bias. Suddenly cut off from controlling technology, she tastes what it means to be human. But if the Consortium discovers her feelings, everyone she knows will be in danger." The story goes on from here as time starts to run out for Recorder in all the events that take place.

From the very first chapter, you are immersed in the story and I am so glad this was a book club read with my friends because it really made me step outside of my comfort zone and find something I really enjoyed. If you are someone who is interested even in the least to try Sci-Fi, highly recommend checking this one out because it was not confusing. The audio was great but I think it's best to read in physical format or at least have an ebook or physical copy on hand to read in tandem with the audio because we do have some flashbacks that I missed were flashbacks sometimes for not paying enough attention and would start back over on that audio chapter.

There are some faith elements in this - light but it's there and I appreciated that. This book ends where you really need book 2 on DECK by the way, so make sure you are prepared before you dive in!

Goodreads Review:

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