Book Review: The Roads We Follow by Nicole Deese


The Roads We Follow by Nicole Deese
(Book 2 Fog Harbor Romance but can be read as a standalone)
4.5 / 5 Stars

Nicole Deese tells a powerful story of love, loss, dreams and family in this road trip novel filled with faith, forgiveness and in depth characters you will LOVE!

I LOVED the ending most of all in this book. I was teary eyed at the beauty depicted in the family reconciliation. 

In this book, we follow Raegan Farrow and Micah Davenport - we see how their worlds collide in the "roads they follow" and the answers they find together.

Raegan is the youngest daughter of a country music legend, Luella. Raegan's biggest dream is to publish her small town romance under a pen name, where she doesn't just get her book out there because of who she is. After that dream is shut down, she hears a rumor about a tell-all being written about her family and she isn't sure what to do about it or if she should tell her mother and sisters what she's learned.

Cut to Micah Davenport, who is the son of Lynn, Luella's old country music partner and friend. Lynn passed away and Micah has just come to the realization that his father isn't the man who raised him. He comes in contact with Raegan's mother and realizes she needs a driver for the 2 week road trip across the country with her family. 

Micah takes this opportunity to find the answers he seeks from a box of old journals from his mother that could possibly have what he's looking for. Together, they embark on the road trip across the country and he finds more than he expects in a relationship with Raegan along the way.

I really liked how we had the 2 perspectives here of Micah and Raegan. I don't think I would have loved it it as much as I did had I not had his point of view. We really got to see the depth in both characters and what they were going through.

I loved the romance most of all in this book - he was so funny with his quick sayings and references. I also loved how supportive he was of Raegan in her author career as her sister was very uptight about it and saying it was just a hobby, yet Micah really encouraged her to following where God was leading her. 

Some of the journal entries I did skim around in, but only because I really just wanted to get back into the relationship with Micah and Raegan :) I loved them together.  I did enjoy learning about Lynn and Luella's friendship and past though. 

I loved how Raegan seemed to finally come into her own by the end of the story - standing for what she loved to do and really pushing her and her 2 sisters to all come together and reconcile and not let things be left unsettled as they were with Lynn and their mom so many years ago. 

I loved the faith content as well in this book, we saw prayers and really relying on God's plan in every aspect of their journey. We saw forgiveness and finding peace among the chaos. 

If you love these things, pick this up!
- A cute romance and fun road trip story 
- Country music star back stories
- Journal entries about the past
- Reconciliation among family 
- Great faith content and character development 

Thank you to Bethany House for providing a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts are my own. Highly recommend ya'll.

I will have a full reading vlog for this book on my YouTube channel, BookLoverAmanda, on Monday, April 29th at 7:00 a.m. here: (this is the link once it is live!) 

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