Book Review: The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center


The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center - Releases June 11th 2024 - 2.5 Stars 

Honest discussion incoming. I started this book really enjoying the storyline and feeling like Katherine Center can just tell a good story. 2 Screenplay writers in Hollywood working together to write a rom-com?! Let's go right?! And I will say, I really enjoyed The Bodyguard and Hello Stranger by Katherine Center, so I was so pumped for this one! (And I will still be reading her backlist because I have heard nothing but great things about those!)

Unfortunately, this newest one just wasn't for me for several reasons and I ended up being disappointed. I am very appreciative to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy to honestly read and review of the eBook and audiobook - and the narrator did a great job in narrating the story to keep you engaged - I did want to keep reading and listening - but like I said, it ended up not being for me.

As I mentioned this is about 2 Screenplay Writers who are working together to write a rom-com together. We have Emma and Charlie. Emma is ultimately a character I started off really enjoying because I found her, at first, to have such depth as a caregiver to her family and very relatable because I am a special needs Mama and have experienced caregiver fatigue just as she has. I loved how passionate she was for her writing and was so excited for the project they were going to work on. 

The story kicks off as her ex-boyfriend from high school introduces her to Charlie, a famous screenplay writer in Hollywood, to help him with his horrible rom-com he's written. Charlie is a guy she has idolized and fan girled about for years in her screenplay writing career, so she is nervous and so excited to go on this journey. Her family encourages her to go because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for her and she has sacrificed so much for them. However, Charlie wants nothing to do with Emma because he says he doesn't need help and it wasn't exactly approved for her to work with him at the start. After reading her work, he realizes she is a good writer and asks her to stay. She ends up staying and living with Charlie in his mansion for several weeks to help write the story and everything takes off from here.

Here is what I didn't like: 

While I started off liking Emma, I became frustrated because of how much she is pursuing Charlie when he is completely mean and rude to her. There are several situations where he talks bad about her behind her back and she overhears it. For example, Charlie was married before and Emma overhears Charlie talking bad about her to his ex-wife (and the friend who introduced them) saying she was "nobody" and "just a writer" etc., yet there were times I felt like he did like her and showed emotions for her? So, while I understand the reason he felt like he couldn't be with her, he was just so rude for no reason and she didn't know any of those reasons. Yet she still peruses him. Over and over again. So ultimately, Charlie was a character that was just so back and forth for me and I had mixed feelings throughout the story about him. I felt like we needed his POV to really understand him since its first person and we just feel like he likes her but then he treats her bad several times so you end up frustrated with him. 

Around 78% is where I almost DNF'd this book because of a scene that, while this entire book was considered clean romance, this scene frustrated me on a personal level. Essentially, Emma is upset for a certain reason and ends up getting drunk during that time at Charlie's place. She is pursuing him and trying to proposition him to have sex with her and it could just be a 1 time thing, that is doesn't matter etc. He says no, he doesn't want to, she is not able to consent because she is drunk and she thinks to herself how "ugh. now he was throwing consent at me? How was I supposed to argue with that? Maybe I could use my feminine wiles." And so continues to try to proposition him for sex with him continuing to say no. That bothered me because it portrayed her in such a negative way. So in that moment he's being a good guy, yet she's mad about it. 

I did ultimately finish the story and see the happy ending they had, but I was just over it at that point. They didn't really go together for me personally - it felt toxic in a way. So all of those things lead me to this 2.5 star review. With some things I liked but it was overall, not for me.

Again, I do like the two previous Katherine Center books I have read by her but unfortunately, this one was just not for me. I will be reading more of her backlist but not recommending this one.

Content: language - several F and S words, sexual innuendos, death of a parent, parent with an illness, cancer, divorce, caretaker fatigue and other details explained above.


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