Book Review: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - 3 Stars 

I love a good story with a will-testament-who gonna get the money plot, so I was excited to pick this one up when I heard it had fun riddles, puzzles and high stakes drama. This book centers around Avery, a girl who unexpectedly inherits a billionaire's fortune, much to the dismay and bewilderment of the his family. While this premise is undoubtedly compelling, I was left a bit confused at times, specifically at the ending.  After talking to a friend who has read the whole series, I realize now that you have to read books 2 & 3 to figure out many things related to the plot that were left open in the end of this first book that I was confused about.

What I liked: The plot is engaging and will keep you wanting to read. Lots of layers of secrets and puzzles and characters. Our protagonist Avery is relatable and a character you root for. The audio narration is very good and makes you want to just read and be along for the ride, whatever that may be.

What I didn't like so much: The puzzles will be something many love about this story, but I found myself very confused throughout the story trying to piece it together. I think this could be because I listened to the audio and didn't physically read it, so giving it the benefit of the doubt because of that. There is a lot of "fake" language in this book I'll say - I don't know how to explain it other than they say things like "motherfoxing" instead of the actual F word itself or "beach" for the B word etc. At first, I laughed about it, but the more I heard that in the audiobook, especially in the circumstances they said it, I rolled my eyes more than anything. I guess its better than using the actual curse words but not by much. 

I think this is a good entry into a YA mystery series with an engaging premise and protagonist, but many parts just fell flat for me personally. For anyone looking for a light, puzzle-filled mystery with a dash of romance, this would be entertaining for you!

Will I continue on in the series? Not sure yet, maybe if my friend I buddy read this with does LOL. I am in no hurry to be honest.


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