Book Review: Love for a Lifetime by Mandi Blake


Love for a Lifetime by Mandi Blake - 5 Stars (Book 2 in the Love in Blackwater series)

WOW. LET. ME. JUST. SAY. NEW FAV MANDI BOOK RIGHT HERE! I absolutely love her books and this one is a new favorite now! Dawson was the SWEETEST guy and he reminds you of what a Godly man looks like. I loved the friends to lovers trope in this because he continued to pursue Olivia and always be there for her no matter what. He was a great cinnamon roll MMC!

In this story, we see Olivia Laurence, who is a nurse and lives to serve others in her community, church, family and friends. She works on a farm and helping people and animals are her passion. She desperately wants a family of her own one day but her struggles with endometriosis have her worried about that future. Dawson Keller has cared for his best friend's sister, Olivia. Dawson is a police officer and always shows up when Olivia needs help. He loves kids and is bound to make you laugh! We see the feelings unfold between Olivia and Dawson, but Olivia's lifelong best friend has a huge crush on Dawson and Olivia doesn't want to hurt her so she keeps her distance for the sake of her friend and the story takes off here as Olivia tries to refrain from her feelings for Dawson.

Overall, this was such a sweet romance. We had great faith content with real characters facing real problems together. Mandi knows how to tug at my heart strings with these characters! I loved Olivia and realted to how she felt like she had to do everything for everyone. She truly cared for others and it showed. Dawson was so kind and truly devoted to those around him. The romance was the cute "sliced cheese" ya girl loves in a good book and not that "blocked cheese"! :) Truly felt real and beautiful. 

This town also feels so real and I love the friendships and side characters throughout the story. I am looking forward to Gage's story later this year! Thank you Mandi for providing a copy of this book for me to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Goodreads Review:

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