Book Review: I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys


I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys - 5 Stars 

"I Must Betray You" is a gripping historical fiction novel set in 1989 Romania, during the final days of Nicolae Ceaușescu's brutal communist regime. The story is told through the eyes of 17-year-old Cristian Florescu, who dreams of becoming a writer but finds himself ensnared in the web of the oppressive government.

I was absolutely blown away by this story. Ruta truly wrote a compelling and thought-provoking novel that sheds light on a lesser-known period of history, while also telling a story of courage, resilience and the human's spirit longing for freedom. I knew nothing of what happened in Romania during this time until I read this book, and that is a sad thing. I truly believe we should all take note of this story and what happened and learn from it. 

Many part of the story were eye opening because they really made you sit down and think about how fortunate we are here in America. So many around the world do without and their struggles are or were unknown to us. We have a fridge full of food, while many others wonder where there next meal will come from. 

One character that stands out in this story is Cristian's grandfather. He plays a significant and complex role in the story. He is a character who adds depth and highlights the moral ambiguities faced by individuals living under oppressive regimes. Cristian learns valuable lessons from him about resilience, sacrifice and the complexities of human nature in times of extreme adversity. 

Overall, I highly recommend this book. If you love historical fiction, this is one to pick up. It's certain to leave a lasting impression.

Goodreads Review:

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