Book Review: Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn

Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn 
Book 1 in the Dive Team Investigation Series
 3.75 / 4

My first Lynn H. Blackburn book and won't be my last. I really enjoyed the writing style, characters and romance. This book was wild! I wasn't as interested in the suspense aspect in this one as the ending wasn't my favorite but I really liked the romance and writing so looking forward to continuing the series.

Leigh lives in North Carolina and works in the ER in the local hospital. Someone tampers with her breaks, she fears her stalkers is back. She reaches out to Ryan, her old high school friend turned homicide investigator to help. Ryan uses his skills as a volunteer underwater investigator with the Sherriff's office dive team to help uncover the mystery of how the body of a wealthy businessman is discovered in Lake Porter, also with a connection to Leigh... things go on from here and Ryan continues to protect Leigh and the suspense aspect tries to be solved.

As someone who loves a good romantic suspense, this had a great cast of characters and romance I really enjoyed. As far as the suspense itself, I wasn't a fan of how this ended and some of the descriptions for the killings were a bit much for me. (mentions of missing body parts and odd plastic surgery stuff) --- but that's just my personal take.

The book didn't really give you clues throughout to figure out who the killer was, which I prefer usually even if I can't necessarily figure it out myself. I found myself saying, "WHO?" when we found out the killer and I don't always love that personally.

Overall though, I enjoyed this one and am rating it 3.75 up to 4. I think if you like a good suspense with romance, try this out and see where you land. This also had some good faith elements I enjoyed.

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