Book Review: Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox


Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox - 4 Stars 

“Because God meets us right where we’re at. And maybe things in our lives get broken down and beat up along the way. The good news is restoration work is kind of His specialty.”

In this story, we follow Josephina or "Joey" Harris who takes the opportunity to help restore an old lighthouse. Little does she know the story behind it and the legends she would find. She meets 81 year old Walt and his grandson Finn. We see that together they go on a journey to uncover what happened long ago....

I really enjoyed the faith elements, immersive setting, the characters and the mystery behind the lighthouse. This really felt like a generational moving story. We are in the North Carolina Outer Banks in 2007 and the 1940s here and seeing how the story was brought together was beautiful in how Amanda told it.

Joey is trying to figure out what happened to the lightkeeper and his daughter while Walt is desperate to restore the lighthouse itself. We see a little romance develop between her and Finn that I really enjoyed. It was really nice to see their relationship develop.

While some parts were slow for me, it was a beautiful story. If you like contemporary fiction stories with elements of family, faith, restoration, secrets, past discoveries, lighthouses, etc....check this out.

Thank you to Revell for a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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