Book Review: Tracking Tilly by Janice Thompson


Tracking Tilly by Janice Thompson
 (Book 1 in the Little Red Truck Mysteries Series)
4 Stars

Because I can relate to this story with my Dad and his old truck/trucks, I really enjoyed this one! We have a cute small town in Texas, a vintage truck, a girl opening an antique store and some great character relationships here. This is a Christian Cozy Mystery (with no deaths) that centers around our main character RaeLyn's grandpa's old vintage truck going missing after the auction to get it back. Her grandpa passed away many years ago, so it's very important to get it back.

We see RaeLyn work to figure out what has happened, with her old high school flame Mason hanging around helping, but honestly he's a bit suspicious at first too. :) 

We have some small town drama going on with a romance subplot. I did get the side character's mixed up several times but it was fine - I was just here for the read! :) 

Overall a cute feel good story that will bring the nostalgia of things from back in the day, memories with your grandparents and the importance of family.

Thank you to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for providing a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Baker Book House:


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